Physiotherapist (qualified 2003)

Pilates Educator - APPI

Womans Health + Pre/Post Natal

Biomechanics + Feet - AiM

Breathing Education - Breatheability

Eva Heraud

Brave Feet | Have Movement

Physio | Pilates | Biomechanics | Breathing

Lover of learning, feet, breathing and human movement.


I am the founder of Have Movement … because we all “have” movement within us (oh and its Eva H backwards 💡).

I love design, human movement and biomechanics (starting with feet).

… so it makes sense I’d find my way to constantly learning about human design and drawing… stick people.

Human design as in…

How our joints are designed, how we are designed to move (hint - joints + muscle = catapult - weeeee) and how we are designed to breathe

I am curious about our brains and bodies and over 20 years have found my way to feet as a doorway to understanding human movement alongside every other part of the body.

(hint - everything is connected) and getting back to breath as we were designed.

My foundation in understanding human movement was through Physio and Pilates. I’ve since trained in other movement practices such as AiM, Feldenkrais and DNS to name a few.

I have had much fun and confusion down the rabbit hole of curiosity, completing courses in Womans health, feet and biomechanics, breathing, coaching and on my return to the surface for air my new learnings settled and I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach my peers and improve results with clients.

My “movement” approach is to understand where you have been (history) look where you like to hang out (posture) and where you don’t know you move (range of motion) and then help you help yourself address imbalances. Pretty simple right? Theres a bit more that goes into it but thats the gist.

When it comes to breathing it’s about how we were designed to breath, physiologically. Awareness is the key, linked with education and exercises to breathe as you were designed.

  • I am a mum, cyclist, trail runner, pun lover and crazy dancer.

  • Movement really is medicine, drawing my 20 years experience as a physio I work with a wonderfully diverse range of clients through private referral, NDIS and Aged Care support

  • Using feet as a gateway to understanding human movement I have gained experience and of course a special interest in working with feet.

  • I deliver movement and breathing experiences to help my clients achieve their goals via zoom | home visits | studio | the great outdoors (summer months only)

    • If I can’t help… I’ll help you find someone who can. 

    • Remember it’s you who ultimately helps yourself - us practitioners are merely conduits to that - (even though I’ll try and take the credit 😉)

  • I am a breathing educator and love the ah ha moments as clients get back to breathing as they are designed - working 1:1 with clients either online or face to face

  • I teach clinical pilates courses through APPI and pre - post natal courses through Tensegrity.

  • I run workshops about feet, movement, pre + post natal and breathing for health professionals and learning enthusiasts.

  • I am on a mission to give feet the appreciation that they deserve through educational stories and kids footwear - Brave Feet

I am based in Frankston South.

Thanks for having me along for the ride.

Lets get this journey started…